Curso nivel 1 kayak de mar

Passeig Marítim 4, Llançà ,Girona - 627 433 332


Duration: 4 hours
Previous experience: none


Bautizo de kayak. Curso pensado para todas aquellas personas que quieren aprender a navegar en kayak de mar en aguas tranquilas. Ideal para tener un primer contacto con el kayak de mar en un entorno idílico como el Cap de Creus. Aprenderemos las técnicas para conseguir un paleo óptimo, paladas técnicas para hacer maniobras y aprenderemos a rescatar un compañero volcado.


- Conocer los diferentes tipos de kayak y su origen
- Conocer las partes del kayak y el material a utilizar
- Aprender a regular el kayak y conocer la posición de paleo
- Aprender y practicar la palada de propulsión efectiva incidiendo en la rotación de tronco, las fases de la palada y trabajar para encontrar la posición óptima de paleo
- Retropalear para ir marcha atrás
- Conducir el kayak con palada circular y palada de frenada incidente en la torsión del tronco
- Portear, embarcar y desembarcar en una playa
- Rescatar a un compañero en aguas profundas

¿Qué incluye?

- Monitor
- Kayak
- Chaleco
- Pala
- Cubrebañeras
- Neopreno
- Impermeable
- Seguro

¿Qué llevar?

- Bañador los hombres y short o mayas mujeres
- Licra o camiseta
- Escarpines o calzado para mojar
- Protección solar y toalla
- Si se llevan gafas, algo para sujetarlas


1– The activities offered are subject to environmental conditions. In case of cancellation due to these conditions, the customer can postpone the activitie or get the money back.

2– The client has the obligation to report possible states of pregnancy, paraplegia or cardiovascular disease before hiring any activity. Also agrees not to be under the influence of alcohol or/and drugs as well as any other medication that might affect their ability to react. To participate in aquatic activities is essential to know how to swim. We have specified the minimum age required to participate in each activitie in the description on this website. Minors must have permission or be accompanied by an adult.

3- The price includes the necessary material. We have specified the equipment included in the activities on this website.

4– The price includes the insurances required by law. Accident Insurance and Liability: Policy Number 17193948 contracted with the insurance company AXA.

5– The customer may cancel the services contracted but must compensate SK Kayak with the amounts indicated below:

- 10% of the total amount of the reservation if the cancelation occurs more than 15 and less than 30 days before the date of the activitie.
- 15% between days five and fifteen
- 25% within the last four days
- In case of no-show the client must pay the total amount of the reservation



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